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16개의 무서운 이야기 (섬뜩한 아이들의 말) from BuzzFeed.com (1) 16 Creepy Stories That Prove Children Are Weird As Hell From BuzzFeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/ariannarebolini/creepy-stories-that-prove-children-are-weird-af?utm_term=.enBYnLYk2#.pwkg86gx1 1. Late-night visitor:"I woke during the night when my son was about 3, and heard him whimpering, like he was talking to someone. I went into his room and he was sitting upright in his bed, staring at the.. 더보기
Top 10 무서운 이야기 from metro.co.uk (3) 아... 이거 번역은 귀찮구나..... 5. Karen Wetterhahn ‘The story of Karen Wetterhahn. ‘Essentially, she was a chemistry professor at Dartmouth. She was working with an organic mercury compound that was relatively unknown at the time. A drop spilled on her gloved hand. No big deal usually. Turns out dimethyl mercury penetrates latex gloves really quickly, and a drop on the hand is a death sentence. She slipp.. 더보기
Top 10 무서운 이야기 from metro.co.uk (1) top-10-scariest-or-creepiest-things-people-have-seen-and-heard-according-to-reddit-users 라는 제목으로 올라온 영국 메트로지의 포스팅을 번역원문은 Reddit이라는 커뮤니티 사이트의 것이고, 메트로는 아마 올라온 해당 내용들 중에서 발췌한 것으로 보임 원문 링크: http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/30/top-10-scariest-or-creepiest-things-people-have-seen-and-heard-according-to-reddit-users-3820971/ 10위 부터 10. Hunter ‘My old co-worker had a son named Hunter that was 4 or 5. She sai.. 더보기