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16개의 무서운 이야기 (섬뜩한 아이들의 말) from BuzzFeed.com (1) 16 Creepy Stories That Prove Children Are Weird As Hell From BuzzFeed.com https://www.buzzfeed.com/ariannarebolini/creepy-stories-that-prove-children-are-weird-af?utm_term=.enBYnLYk2#.pwkg86gx1 1. Late-night visitor:"I woke during the night when my son was about 3, and heard him whimpering, like he was talking to someone. I went into his room and he was sitting upright in his bed, staring at the.. 더보기
Top 10 무서운 이야기 from metro.co.uk (2) 8위부터 추가 번역 원문은 http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/30/top-10-scariest-or-creepiest-things-people-have-seen-and-heard-according-to-reddit-users-3820971/ 8. Attic ‘Boyfriend lived in a house that made no sense–there was a light switch on a baseboard that worked a light two rooms away, for instance. ‘He decided to see if there was room in the attic space for some boxes. So Boyfriend opens the hatch-thing, p.. 더보기
Top 10 무서운 이야기 from metro.co.uk (1) top-10-scariest-or-creepiest-things-people-have-seen-and-heard-according-to-reddit-users 라는 제목으로 올라온 영국 메트로지의 포스팅을 번역원문은 Reddit이라는 커뮤니티 사이트의 것이고, 메트로는 아마 올라온 해당 내용들 중에서 발췌한 것으로 보임 원문 링크: http://metro.co.uk/2013/05/30/top-10-scariest-or-creepiest-things-people-have-seen-and-heard-according-to-reddit-users-3820971/ 10위 부터 10. Hunter ‘My old co-worker had a son named Hunter that was 4 or 5. She sai.. 더보기